Vaish's paper showing that a surprisingly diverse range of fabrics such as silk, rayon, nylon, polyester, fiberglass, and cotton can produce GUVs appears in Langmuir! Check out the paper here!
The lab hosted our annual Intro to Light Microscopy Workshop for local high school students today! Graduate students Alex Li and Vaish Girish led the activity.
Joey's paper is featured as a cover article in Langmuir!
The lab welcomes Calvin Hu from UC Berkeley through the CCBM C-SIP program, Breanna Paredes from UC Merced through the UROC program, and Jasmine Aguirre from Golden Valley High School through the ACS SEED program for summer research!
Graduate student Alex Li hosts a tour of the Subramaniam lab for community college students from Canada College in the ASPIRES program!
Anand receives the UC Merced Academic Senate award for Distinguished Early Career Research "In recognition of research and/or other creative activities that have had a major impact on the field, either through a sustained record of contributions or through a specific, highly influential contribution"
Joey wins the Bioengineering Graduate Group Summer Fellowship. Congratulations Joey!
Anand is awarded an NSF CAREER award! "CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization." The award will support the lab's work for the next five years on understanding the fundamental mechanisms of vesiculation on cellulose substrates.
Oscar Medrano joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Oscar!
Undergraduate researcher Jesus Salcido graduates with a BS in Bioengineering. Congratulations Jesus!
Kurtis Brent joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Kurtis won a competitive CCMB Scholar Fellowship. Welcome Kurtis!
Joey's paper on the size distributions of GUVs obtained from the vesiculation of phospholipids on cellulose paper and cotton fabric is published in Langmuir! Cotton fabric is reusable and can support cyclical growth of GUVs. The results suggest an economically viable route towards large scale synthesis of GUVs. Check out the paper here!
The lab welcomes new BEST graduate student Vaishnavi (Vaish) Girish. Vaish comes with 6 years of experience in industry in P&G Singapore, and has a BA and MEng in Chemical Engineering from Cambridge University, UK. Welcome Vaish!
Graduate student Melissa Xu wins two awards at the 2018 UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium held at UC Riverside. Melissa won Best Poster in the Biomaterials and Drug Delivery track and won the RapidFire talk competition for the Biomaterials and Drug Delivery session. Congratulations Melissa!
Anand wins a Hellman Faculty Fellows award!
Summer research session begins. The lab welcomes Benjamin Lawrence, a rising junior from Merced College and Maycy Lee a high school sophomore from Buhach Colony high school. Ben received a CCBM- C-SIP summer fellowship and Maycy received an ACS SEED I fellowship. Congratulations and welcome!
Alexander Li is admitted into the BEST program as a PhD student and joins the lab. Congratulations and welcome Alex!
Undergraduate lab member Jesus Salcido wins a competitive Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) and will work in the lab in the Summer. Congratulations Jesus!
Ramces graduates with a B.S. in Chemistry and a minor in Physics. Ramces will be pursuing graduate studies in Computer Engineering at UC Davis. Congratulations Ramces! We are proud of you and it was a pleasure having you in the lab!
Melissa wins a CCBM graduate fellowship for Fall 2018. Congratulations Melissa!
Joey passes his qualifying exam and advances to become a PhD candidate in BEST. Congratulations Joey!
Joey was selected to receive a BEST Graduate Group Summer Fellowship. Congratulations Joey!
Alex's and Joey's paper on the generality of using cellulose paper to fabricate vesicles from a wide-variety of lamellar phase forming amphiphiles has been published in Biomacromolecules! This paper extend our earlier work on using cellulose paper to grow giant liposomes and reports that we can also form vesicles from fatty acid and polymersomes from diblock and triblock copolymers using filter paper. Check out the paper here!
Jesus Salcido Guerrero joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Jesus!
Melissa passes her qualifying exam and advances to become a PhD Candidate in BEST. Congratulations Melisssa!
New paper published in Nature Scientific Reports! Results from a collaboration with the Ghosh group and lead by Ghosh graduate student Makiko Quint. The paper describes a method to use liquid crystal phase transitions to assemble ligand bound gold nanoparticles into microshells. The microshells can be actuated to release their contents by using light! Check out the paper here (OPEN ACCESS).
Laboratory alumni, K.M. Rifat Faysal, M.S. Physics '16, wins a prestigious Scientia PhD Scholarship to work on single molecule Biophysics at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Congratulations K.M. we are very proud of your achievements!
Graduate student Melissa Xu wins the prestigious CCBM fellowship! Congratulations Melissa!
Jared Tse joins the lab as a CCBM undergraduate fellow. Welcome Jared!
Mr. Maril Soomalan, a high school Physics teacher from El Capital High, presented a poster at the CCBM/STEP Open House detailing the time that he spent in our lab over the summer.Check out the pictures here!
Graduate students Joseph Pazzi and Melissa Xu are named CCBM Graduate Scholars for 2017-2018. Congratulations Melissa, Joey!
Graduate student Theresa Stelter completes her Masters and will be joining Genia Technologies as a research scientist. Congratulations Theresa and all the best with your career!
High school senior Guady just completed the ACS Project SEED program conducting research in our lab, and gave an outstanding presentation at the ACS SEED symposium! Guady will be joining UC Merced as a freshman in the Fall and will continue as an undergraduate researcher in the lab! Congratulations Guady!
The lab went to Bella Luna for lunch to celebrate the successful completion of summer research!
Mr. Maril Soomalan a Physics and Math teacher from Golden Valley High School will spend two weeks in the lab learning about our research!
Graduate student Joseph Pazzi led a tour consisting of 15 high school students from Buhach Colony High School. Joey described the research being conducted in our lab and showed the students the state of the art characterization tools that we use in our research which included the Zeiss LSM 880 and the Zeiss GeminiSEM 500. Check out some photos here!
Undergraduate lab member Ramces Gonzalez will be spending the summer in UC, San Diego conducting research through the
UCSD STARS program. Congratulations Ramces! |
Another summer research session begins! The lab welcomes high school senior Guadalupe Covarrubias-Oregel through the ACS SEED program. Undergraduate Joshua Greschler (Physics, Allegheny College) through the MACES Summer Fellowship and Jacob Orozco (Chemistry, Merced College) through the CCBM C-SIP Summer Fellowship program.
Undergraduate lab member Marcos Lucero graduates with a Bachelors in Science in Chemistry! Marcos will be attending Oregon State University Chemical Engineering to get his PhD in Chemical Engineering. Congratulations Marcos! We're very proud of you!
Campus communications writes an article highlighting the new Zeiss LSM 880 with AiryScan+FAST that Anand acquired through an award from NSF's Major Research Instrumentation Program! Check out the article here!
Anand is awarded an Academic Senate Faculty Research Grant!
ACS SEED I and II high school student Luis Garcia will attend Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in the Fall. Congratulations Luis! We're very proud of you!
Anand talks at the Quantitative and Systems Biology Seminar series at UC Merced.
Anand presents an invited talk on the PAPYRUS method at the Biomembranes Synthesis, Structure, Mechanics and Dynamics session at the ACS Spring Meeting in San Francisco.
Graduate Students' Joseph Pazzi and Melissa Xu present posters at the ACS Spring National Meeting in San Franscisco.
Graduate Student Joseph Pazzi wins a BEST Summer Research Fellowship! Congratulations Joey!
Alexander Li joins the lab as a M.S. student in Biological Engineering and Small Scale Technologies. Welcome Alex!
Anand serves as a faculty judge for the Annual UC LEADS Symposium held at UCLA! UC LEADS lab members, Victor Hernandez and Jesus Partida presented posters on their summer research in the Subramaniam Lab, lab members Ramces Gonzalez and Marcos Lucero presented posters on their summer research in the Plaxco Lab and Ayzner lab respectively.
Graduate student Melissa Xu visits Buhach Colony High School to engage in NSF and NASA sponsored STEM outreach. Melissa presented an interactive Crime Lab module as an accessible illustration of the principles of biosensing to five different high school classes. Check out pictures of Melissa in action!
Anand talks at the Bioengineering Departmental Seminar at Santa Clara University!
Anand present's a poster on PAPYRUS at the 61st Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in New Orleans in the Membranes Structure and Assembly session!
Anand talks about PAPYRUS at the BioMechanics Seminar in UC San Diego!
K M and June's paper on the stability of lipid bilayers on ox-PDMS is published in PLoS ONE. The paper includes high-school senior Luis Garcia and undergraduate researcher Jonny Nguyen as co-authors. Check out the paper here!
A paper reporting the unexpectedly complicated dynamics of methyl-beta cyclodextrin mediated pertubation of cholesterol content in model lipid bilayers is published in Biophysical Journal. The membrane changes shape by either spreading laterally or ejecting nanotubes similar to what is observed in biological cells. Check out the paper here!
The paper on the PAPYRUS method is selected as the cover of Issue 48 of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!
Prof. Subramaniam is admitted as a faculty member into the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Group at UC Merced.
Prof. Subramaniam speaks at the UC Merced Chemistry Seminar about the group's latest work on PAPYRUS!
Kayleigh's and Melissa's paper on the PAPYRUS method to fabricate giant liposomes is published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces! This is the first demonstration that cellulose paper can be used as a platform to fabricate giant liposomes without any input of power or use of specialized apparatus. Check out the paper here!
Prof. Subramaniam gives a guest lecture in BEST 201: Introduction to Materials.
Undergraduate lab members Marcos Lucero and Ramces Gonzalez were selected as MACES Undergraduate Fellows. They will both receive a $1500 fellowship to conduct research. Congratulations!
Prof. Subramaniam receives a NSF Major Research Instrumentation Award (MRI) from the Division of Materials Research (DMR) to purchase a state of the art confocal microscope. This is Prof. Subramaniam's second award from NSF in as many years. A link to the award announcement on the NSF website. The co-PIs on the grant are Prof. Sayantani Ghosh and Prof. Teamrat Ghezzehi.
Prof. Subramaniam gives an invited talk at the Biomembrane Frontiers Symposium at UC Davis.
8/31/2016 .
Melissa Xu continues as a MACES Fellow, and Joseph Pazzi is selected as a MACES Fellow for the Fall of 2016. Congratulations Melissa and Joey!
The campus newspaper covers the research and the students who conducted them over the summer in our lab. Check out the article here! And in the Panaroma!
Prof. Subramaniam participates as a senior named personnel in the first external advisory board meeting for the new NSF-funded Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines (CCBM).
Graduate student Melissa Xu was a chosen as a inaugural CCBM Scholar. Congratulations Melissa!!
The lab goes to Jantz Bakery to celebrate the end of a successful summer research session. Thank you Will, Alex, Victor, Jesus, Luis and Jerry for your efforts and willingness to learn this summer!
Undergraduate researchers Alex Li, Victor Hernandez, Will Chueng, and Jesus Partida present their research in the UROC Summer Symposium. Congratulations on a job well done!!
Luis Garcia and Jerry Vue present their summer research at the ACS SEED Summery symposium. Congratulations on a job well done!
Prof. Subramaniam engaged in an outreach activity, talking to an audience from the local community (Merced Junior College, Stan State, Fresno State, high school teachers from Merced High) about scanning electron microscopy. Check out news coverage by the Merced Sun Star and some pictures of the event. Coverage featured graduate student Melissa Xu, ACS SEED student Luis Garcia, MACES Summer Fellow, William Cheung!
A nice article by the campus newspaper highlighting the new Zeiss Gemini SEM500 that was purchased for the campus through the NASA MACES Center and the UCM Office for Research and Development (ORED). The article features quotes form Prof. Subramaniam, and the students in the picture are graduate students Melissa Xu and Joseph Pazzi
Summer research session is in full swing! The lab welcomes rising high school seniors Luis Garcia and Jerry Vue through the ACS SEED program. Undergraduates William Chueng (Physics and Biology, StanState) Alexander Li (Mechanical Engineering, UC Merced) through the MACES Summer Fellowship program.
Prof. Subramaniam presented a talk at the Biological Interfaces at the 90th ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium hosted at Harvard University.
Prof. Subramaniam is a recipient of the Interdisciplinary Small Grants program! The grant funds a Bimonthly Synthetic Biology and Nanomaterials Seminar and Discussion Series at UC Merced. The seminar series seeks to foster collaboration and integrate core concepts, techniques, and traditions of scholarship in nanomaterials and colloidal materials to challenges in biology and public health.
Team Biotect Solutions, a Senior Engineering Capstone team that Prof. Subramaniam mentored over the semester wins the Grand Challenge Prize (out of 24 competing teams) at UC Merced's Innovate to Grow event! The team designed an integrated biosensing platform from the lab's NSF-funded Density-based Biosensors project. Congratulations team!! Check out the team with their prize check in the banner, and in the photos section!
KM Faysal graduates with an MS in Physics!
Prof. Subramaniam's first undergraduate student Jonny Nguyen graduates with a B.S. in Bioengineering. He landed an industry job straight out of college and will be starting with Foster Farms in a program that will train him to become a productions manager or an industrial engineer. Congratulations Jonny on your outstanding achievement, and all the best for your future!
Undergraduate student Victor Hernandez was selected as a UC LEADS scholar! This highly competitive program provides for academic term mentoring by faculty, and two summer research experiences. Victor will be spending his first summer in our lab continuing with his term-time research project. Congratulations Victor!
Undergraduate student Marcos Lucero is going to work with Prof. Alexander Azyner's Group in UC Santa Cruz as part of his UC LEADS summer research!
Undergraduate student Ramces Gonzalez was selected to participate in the highly competitive Academic Research Consortium (ARC) Summer Program. Ramces will be spending the summer in beautiful Santa Barbara gaining research experience in Prof. Kevin Plaxco's lab. Congratulations Ramces!
Graduate student Melissa Xu wins the MACES Summer Fellowship. Congratulations Melissa!
Graduate student Joseph Pazzi wins the BEST Summer Fellowship. Congratulations Joey!
Prof. Subramaniam presented a talk at the Biomembrane Synthesis, Structure, Mechanics & Dynamics Symposium, at the ACS Spring National Meeting in San Diego. The title of his talk "Glycan density controls the phase behavior of lipid membranes".
Prof. Subramaniam is at UC Davis to serve as judge at the UC LEADS Annual Poster Symposium . Undergraduate lab members Jesus Partida and Marcos Lucero are presenting posters on their respective summer work
Theresa Stelter wins the prestigious Eugene-Cota Robles Fellowship. The fellowship provides 2 years of support, including summer support. Congratulations Theresa!
K M Faysal passes his Oral Qualifying Exam. Congratulations KM!
The lab participates in MACES Research Open Day. Over 60 participants from neighboring CalStates, Junior Colleges, and local High Schools were introduced to research, education, and STEM opportunities that are available at the MACES Center and UC Merced. Check out some of the photos from the event!
Prof. Subramaniam is visiting CSU Stanislaus to present about MACES summer fellowship opportunities as part of outreach to underrepresented minority students selected for the CSU Luis Stoke Alliance for Minority Participation program. Some pictures of the event!
The lab had a pumpkin carving event to celebrate Halloween. Check out the photos!
The lab welcomes new undergraduate MACES fellow, Salvador Padilla. Salvador has won a highly competitive fellowship to be selected as a member of UC Merced's inaugural class of undergraduate MACES fellows.
NASA funded Merced nAnomaterials Center for Energy and Sensing website has gone live! First educational opportunity: A call for applications for our inaugural class of six undergraduate MACES fellows!
The lab welcomes new BEST graduate students Melissa Xu (Caltech '13, Bioengineering), Joey Pazzi (UC Irvine '14, Bioengineering) , Henry Do (UC Berkeley '13, Integrative Biology), and Theresa Stelter (University of San Francisco '12, Biology). Welcome guys!
The lab receives a microcapillary puller through an award from the DOE's LEDP program.
Prof. Subramaniam is giving an invited talk on "Patterned polysaccharide networks on surfaces control the phase behavior of lipid membranes" at the Symposium on Biochemical Ligands at Interfaces: From Molecular Scale Characterization to Devices in the 250th Annual Meeting in Boston.
The lab bids a temporary farewell to Mr. Luis Garcia who has successfully completed his ACS SEED funded research experience in the lab. Luis will be starting his junior year in Golden Valley High School and will return to the lab next Summer as an ACS SEED II Student.
The lab bids farewell to Ms. June Park who has successfully completed her REU stint in the lab. June was awarded a very competitive $ 1600 travel scholarship by the AiMM REU program in recognition of her outstanding research progress in the lab. The award allows June to travel and present her work from her time in the lab at a national scientific conference of her choice. Congratulations June!
Graduate student K.M. Faysal is attending the 2015 BioNanotechnology Summer Institute at UIUC. K.M. won a fellowship to attend the summer institute. Congratulations K.M. !
Prof. Subramaniam is a part of a team of investigators that was granted a $ 5 million NASA MUREP Training grant to establish the Merced Nanomaterials Center for Energy and Sensing (MACES). The grant provides money for training the next-generation STEM workforce suitable for NASA's mission. The grant is the largest externally-funded center at UC Merced. The press release!
Kayleigh Kresse joins the lab as a Junior Specialist. Kayleigh was an REU student under Prof. Subramaniam's mentorship in 2012. Kayleigh just graduated from Grinnell College in Iowa and is taking a gap year before attending medical school. Welcome Kayleigh!
06/09/2015 |
The lab welcomes summer students June Park and Luis Garcia. June joins the lab through the AiMM REU program. Luis is a high school sophomore who was selected to participate in the ACS SEED program. Welcome June and Luis!
The great support provided by staff members to our group was highlighted in a recent UC Merced Panorama article!
Prof. Subramaniam was awarded a three year grant to conduct research on density-based biosensors by the National Science Foundation (NSF). As the first extramural funding that our new lab has obtained, this is a significant milestone in the development of the lab!
Undergraduate lab member Marcos Lucero will be participating in the Summer Cardio-Renal Undergraduate Research Experience (SeCURE) program at the University of Alabama. He will gain valuable research experience in basic and clinical scientific research over the summer in beautiful Birmingham, Alabama. Congratulations Marcos!
Undergraduate lab member Jesus Partida will be participating in the REU program at the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power at Georgia Tech in the Summer. Congratulations Jesus for being selected for this prestigious research opportunity!
Undergraduate lab members Marcos Lucero and Ramces Gonzalez are attending the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education at Sonoma State. As high-achieving undergraduates from underrepresented groups, they were invited to attend to explore graduate opportunities and resources. Congratulations guys!
Physics graduate student K.M. Faysal joins the lab. Welcome K. M.!
Bioengineering major Jesus Partida '18 joins the lab. Welcome Jesus!
Prof. Subramaniam's paper on density based immunoassays is a Lab on a Chip Hot article, and is accompanied by a Commentary.
Prof. Subramaniam's paper on using Magnetic Levitation for detecting defective plastic parts has been published in Advanced Materials!
Materials Sci & Engineering major Ramces Gonzalez '18 joins the lab. Welcome Ramces!
Chemistry major Marcos Lucero '16 joins the lab. Welcome Marcos!
Bioengineering major Jonny Nguyen joins the lab
I have started as an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Merced, the first American research university in the 21st century. Contact us if you are interested in joining the lab as an undergraduate researcher, graduate student, or postdoctoral fellow. We are looking for curious, creative, and motivated scientists and engineers to join our ranks, and welcome your interest as we embark on this adventure!
Prof. Subramaniam's work on using Magnetic Levitation to orient objects was covered by BBC News !